Highlights and events

EARTO award for future impact goes to CSEM–CUTISS skin factory
In collaboration with the Swiss start-up CUTISS, we helped develop the world’s first automated skin graft production platform. The idea was recognized at the EARTO Innovation Awards, in October, winning third prize in the Impact Expected category, which rewards original innovations capable of having a major future impact. The “skin factory” generates large quantities of personalized skin from patient biopsies for skin grafting, thus enabling potentially life-changing outcomes.

CSEM wins Best Paper Awards for machine learning at the extreme edge
Two papers, by CSEM’s Petar Jokic and coauthors, relating to a novel machine learning system-on-chip for battery-less face analysis at the extreme edge have been recognized for their innovative qualities. At the 2021 symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits in Kyoto their work received a Best Demo Paper Award, and at the 19th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference, in Toulon, Jokic won the Best Student Paper Award.

Digital Journey: Enabling industrial advances through AI
Two digital transformation projects have won our 2021 Digital Journey competition. Each will benefit from CHF 100'000 of personalized technological support. Our digital experts will help Digitel develop an innovative system for optimizing the energy efficiency of refrigeration systems, and we will assist Swiss Sugar and Swiss Saltworks in creating digital solutions capable of anticipating faults in industrial pumps.

New virtual showroom presents CSEM technologies to the world
In October, we launched our immersive, interactive virtual showroom, enabling anyone, anywhere in the world to discover the way in which we are accelerating ideas, enabling them to become groundbreaking technologies. Within two months, 7'300 visitors had explored the showroom’s virtual hubs and exhibitions, where audio, videos, and texts help bring our digital, precision manufacturing, and sustainable energy technologies to life.

TechnoVation: Energy, industry, and health innovation in action
In September, TechnoVation brought 250 Swiss decision-makers and technical experts together in Lucerne to focus on the technologies driving innovation. Energy, industry 4.0, and health were at the heart of the event, organized by CSEM with InnovationsTransfer Central Switzerland (ITZ). The program featured presentations of our activities, testimonies from partners, and keynote talks from prestigious speakers, including Marcel Stalder, President of Europa Forum Lucerne, and the philosopher Ludwig Hasler.

Swiss Digital Days 2021: Expanding digital skills
CSEM once again enthusiastically supported the digitalswitzerland initiative, whose 700 events explored digital skills and the digital future. In a live TV broadcast, our experts discussed what digitalization means for energy. Alexandre Pauchard championed diversity in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects and digital jobs, in a joint event with the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW). And our deep learning safety project with the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB | CFF | FFS) was featured in an exhibition at the Swiss Museum of Transport.