Financial report

CSEM building in Neuchâtel, Switerland

CSEM surpasses the 100 million mark in turnover

CSEM's three revenue streams show growth between 2% and 6% in 2022. This means that the technology innovation center has passed the symbolic milestone of 100 million Swiss francs in turnover (+ 3.5%), in a context that was not very favorable at first sight. The first challenge was the uncertainty regarding the volume of our projects in the European research programs. This challenge was overcome in that our revenues remained stable compared to 2021. The second challenge was in the area of projects with industry, following a major technology transfer at the end of the previous year. Here, too, our teams succeeded in rebuilding a project portfolio within 12 months. This more than compensated for the transferred volume. We also increased our revenue from Innosuisse-funded technology transfer projects by a further 12%.

The evolution of expenses is in line with the growth in revenues, with personnel expenses increasing by just 2%, which reflects CSEM’s recruitment difficulties in 2022. This was at the expense of project costs, which rose by 13% and included an increase in subcontracts.

Operating results are coherent with CSEM’s financial balance objectives. In terms of non-operating results, the sale of a stake in a fund allowed the financing of an investment into our internal digital infrastructure.

The net profit of 103,173 Swiss francs will strengthen the available equity and the solidity of the company.

Key figures

2022 CSEM financial key figures