Here you will find a selection of material for your story. Can't find what you're looking for? Feel free to contact us. We’d love to help!
Certificate - SQS ISO 14001 & 9001
Certificate - IQNet ISO 14001 & 9001
Certificate - Bureau Veritas ISO 13485
Brochure - Ultra-low-power integrated systems
Brochure - Tools for life sciences
Brochure - Scientific instrumentation
Brochure - Photovoltaics & Energy Management
Brochure - Optics and photonics
Brochure - Medical wearable
Brochure - Corporate FR
Brochure - Corporate EN
Brochure - Corporate DE
Brochure - Additive manufacturing
Anniversary brochure - 1984-2024: Cultivating innovation for 40 years
2023 Scientific & Technical Report
2023 Annual report