Webinar: The power of Photonic Integrated Circuits
CSEM is organising a FREE PhotonHub online introductory course about the power of Photonic Integrated Circuits, meeting the demands of today and tomorrow.
The Technology Briefing 2024 at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) explores the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in manufacturing processes. Organized by Empa, CSEM, PSI, and the Hightech Zentrum Aargau, the event showcases practical AI-driven solutions for industrial production. Researchers and industry experts will share insights and real-world examples highlighting the benefits and innovation potential of AI in manufacturing. This event is an excellent opportunity for professionals to engage with experts and discover the latest AI trends transforming production efficiency.
📍Venue: Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen
⏱️Date & time: Thursday, November 28 November, 2024, 13:30 - 18:00
🗣️Language: German - some of the presentations are given in English
Registration and welcome coffee
Welcome and introduction
John Millard, Leiter Technologietransfer, Paul Scherrer Institut
Tech talks - part 1
"Hochgeschwindigkeits-Röntgenbildgebung auf der Mikrometerskala: Theorie und Anwendung im Zeitalter explodierender Datenmengen", Goran Lovric, Beamline Scientist, Paul Scherrer Institut
"Process optimization in industrial manufacturing", Francesco Crivelli, Head of Research & Business Development, and Iason Sideris, CSEM
"Enabling smart manufacturing with multi-sensor integration and machine learning in additive processes", Elia Iseli, Group Leader Intelligent Manufacturing, Empa
Coffee break
Tech talks - part 2
"Optimierung von organisatorischen und administrativen Prozessen in der industriellen Fertigung", Bernhard Isenschmid, Technologie- und Innovationsexperte, Hightech Zentrum Aargau
"KI-Anwendungen in der industriellen Röntgentechnologie", Patrick Bleiziffer, CIO & Founder, maXerials AG
Markus Danner, Product Line Manager, Coherent Switzerland AG
Wrap-up: Conclusion and outlook
John Millard, Leiter Technologietransfer, Paul Scherrer Institut
Networking aperitif
Eine Veranstaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit
CSEM is organising a FREE PhotonHub online introductory course about the power of Photonic Integrated Circuits, meeting the demands of today and tomorrow.
Join industry experts in Lausanne (CH), discover cutting-edge space mechanisms, attend specialized courses in tribology, and network with 300+ professionals. See you in September.
Dive into an engaging format featuring 5-minute lightning pitches and a poster exhibition showcasing the latest innovations and exciting projects in manufacturing technology. CSEM will be proudly represented with several contributions.