January 21, 2025

3D-printed pipe segment with integrated heater and sensor

CSEM and its partners whipped up a cutting-edge 3D-printed part that’s nothing short of amazing. This clever design can both heat and monitor a mechanically pumped fluid loop, a novel satellite thermal control system developed by Thales Alenia Space. What’s more, its ingenuity extends to future terrestrial IoT and Industry 4.0 applications, wherever highly integrated heating and/or in-situ measurement is needed. CSEM’s Instrumentation business unit led the international innovation project AHEAD, funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research program ATTRACT.

Group of six experts from EU-Project AHEAD
©AHEAD - (from left to right) Chrysoula Manoli, CERN | Hervé Saudan, CSEM | Nicolas Blondiaux, CSEM | Julien Rouvinet, CSEM | Sébastien Eyrignoux, LISI Aerospace Additive Manufacturing | Florence Montredon, Thales Alenia Space France

Telecommunications satellites are usually placed in geostationary Earth orbit, a circular orbit 35,786 kilometers above the equator, following the direction of Earth's rotation. In this harsh environment, robustness, reliability and longevity of operational systems are essential. To prevent onboard devices from overheating in the sun or freezing in the shadow, the satellite may be equipped with a Mechanically Pumped Loop (MPL) for thermal management. CSEM, Lisi Aerospace Additive Manufacturing, and Thales Alenia Space France have co-developed an ingenious technology brick as part of the AHEAD project (Advanced Heat Exchange Devices). The result is a 3D printed pipe segment that can heat the fluid in the MPL and measure its temperature. With its built-in electrical connector and precise fluidic interfaces, the pipe makes the integration much easier compared to conventionally bonded film heaters and temperature sensors.

Optimizing thermal regulation performance by heating and monitoring 

Designed for temperatures ranging from -65 °C to +85 °C, the stainless-steel element can withstand high payloads. In the Thales Alenia Space use case, the MPL contains pressurized ammonia of 48 bars, absorbing heat at hot spots and transfers it to cold spots. To ensure continuous operation, ammonia must not get too cold. It is therefore heated locally while its temperature is constantly monitored. 

Photo of a pipe used in the AHEAD Heater Pipe System
© CSEM -

Easy to integrate into mechanically pumped loops: The 150-millimeter pipe segment weighs only 115 grams and was additively manufactured.

Hervé Saudan, Group leader Precision Mechanisms at CSEM and coordinator of AHEAD, explains: “Thanks to Design for Additive Manufacturing, we implemented built-in wires to heat the segment. Through the wires’ arrangement, we achieve optimum heat transfer all around the tube, whereas conventional film heaters only heat a limited area.” 

Another advantage of the pipe segment is that it is easy to install into an MPL, as the heater, sensor, and connector are already part of the pipe. This could only be realized through an innovative manufacturing concept involving laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), resin injection and machining. 

Illustration of the AHEAD Heating System, displaying various elements
© CSEM -

Pipe design detail: note that the structure, the connector as well as the heating and routing wires are all 3D printed in the same step with the same material (316L stainless steel).

Integrating functionality through high precision 3D-printing  

CSEM microtechnology experts have utilized all current design freedom offered by LPBF, a 3D printing method. In their design, they integrated sets of wires for both electrical heating and the routing of the sensor signals: “The structure as well as the wiring and connector are 3D printed altogether in one step,” Hervé adds. Consequently, such a concept renders complicated bonding and wiring processes obsolete, eliminating the risk of delamination and disconnection of cables too.  

To make the concept feasible, the main challenge was to define a way to 3D print thin and long electrical wires together with the pipe structure, while ensuring that in its final state, the wires and said structure are not electrically connected. To achieve this, the design involves sacrificial bridges which provide mechanical stability to the wires. These bridges are machined once the insulation has been injected and cured. For this original design and manufacturing method, Hervé Saudan and his colleague Lionel Kiener filed a patent.

Value creation for your products

More reliable and convenient architecture

  • No adhesive, no screws, no additional parts
  • No assembly, i.e. no delamination / breakup

Design freedom

  • Any shape : tubular, flat, complex curvature
  • Heater optimized to your specific design


  • Better heat transfer, high power density
  • Heating above 1000°C with casted ceramic insulation


  • Heat exchange and insulation design features can be added
  • Temperature sensor can be integrated based on the same concept

Independence and uniqueness

  • Free yourself from dependence on a supplier
  • Regain complete control of your design
  • Secure your USP thank to a patented design and manufacturing concept

Additive manufacturing challenges, extensive testing 

Due to the small gaps between the structure and wires, laser powder bed fusion had to be highly precise. The challenge was to make these gaps not too narrow, because this could lead to material fusion, and not too large, since that would affect the heat transfer from the wires to the pipe’s inner side. “In addition to that, the wires were challenging to print as well because they are long and have a very thin diameter of 0.4 millimeters,” notes Hervé Saudan. Another demanding issue concerned the powder removal after printing, to ensure that no left-over powder material remains in the narrow caves. 

After extensive tests in a real satellite thermal management system at Thales Alenia Space, the heating function of the prototypes fulfilled all requirements. It showed no defects after vibration, pressure, and burst tests (withstanding 1225 bars) as well as thermo-elastic lifetime tests simulating 15 years in space. 

Unfortunately, the metrological performance of the Aerosol Jet Printed temperature sensor did not meet expectations. Nevertheless, the printed sensor can be replaced by an already-qualified commercial sensor in a future version of the prototype. The fact that the sensor connection wires, and output connector are already integrated into the pipe means that the benefits are retained, whatever sensor technology is used. 

Targeting refrigeration systems on Earth and 3D-printed electronics 

With the advantage of built-in wires and connectors, this use case paves the way to other heating and in-situ sensing applications. “We have several running projects but at this time I’m afraid they remain confidential,” Hervé Saudan confides. 

In a second use case, the pipe segment was equipped with a standard temperature sensor and integrated in a particle detector refrigeration system at CERN, Geneva. For such CO2-based refrigeration systems of the newest generation, CSEM’s innovation allows harvesting measurement data at strategic locations, which contributes to improving their performance. 

Whether for warming or cooling, the CSEM consortium now wants to bring its innovation to life in the machine, medical, life sciences, food and chemical industries. 


The AHEAD project (Advanced Heat Exchange Devices) aims to revolutionize thermal control systems – critical components of a number of high-performance devices like satellites and space rockets.

Most thermal control systems in use today are heavy, and bulky and require a myriad of connection cables. With AHEAD, the goal is to develop systems that are compact, less expensive and wireless, allowing for real-time data collection and improved efficiency.

Optimizing the materials

For future space applications, the structure of such tube segments might be out of Aluminum to reduce weight further. Other interesting materials are cast ceramics as insulation material because it withstands temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius) and sustainable insulating materials like bio-sourced resins.

Get in touch

Are you interested in more details or other projects? Discover our Instrumentation activities or contact our experts at info@csem.ch